Why Is My Heat Pump Making Loud Noises?

Heat pumps can be expected to make some noise. However, unusually loud noises point to a problem. If your system is reaching decibels impossible to ignore, you should turn it off to prevent further damages. Then give Kimbro Air a call at 615-527-8576 to schedule a repair visit. We’ll be able to quickly identify the problem and give you a fair and honest quote.

Because we like to help educate our customers, here are five heat pump noises to keep an ear out for:

1. “Bam! Bam! Bam!”––Metal Rapidly Hitting Metal

If you hear a metallic clang repeating in a cycle, there’s probably something going on with your blower fan. What you’re hearing is the sound of the blades hitting another hard object. Immediately turn off your heat pump’s power if you believe this to be the case. Under this type of stress, the fan will become bent or chipped. Once the machine is off, inspect the inside for any foreign objects, then give one of our technicians a call to repair your fan if necessary.

2. “Sssss . . . ”––Hissing

There’s always a small chance a snake with unlimited lung power has inhabited your heat pump. However, the more likely possibility is you have a refrigerant leak. You’re hearing the sound of gas escaping. In this instance, you should contact one of our technicians to repair the leak and replenish the refrigerant supply.

3. “Reeeeeee . . . ”––Screeching/Squealing

Your heat pump should really use its “inside voice.” If you hear high-pitched screeching or squealing, there’s a good chance the motor is having trouble. When your motor’s bearings become dirty, this creates shrill noises. You should schedule routine maintenance to prevent this in the future. If the issue isn’t related to the bearings, it may be the motor itself giving out. Either way, a technician should inspect it.

4. “Hmmmm . . . ”––Loud, Low-Pitched Droning

A low-pitched hum is usually benign, unless it’s significantly louder than usual. You could think of this sound as the heat pump grumbling with hunger. It likely needs its oil refilled, its refrigerant refilled, or a new compressor. You might be tempted to fix it yourself. However, keep your distance, and let a technician wrangle the beast.

5. “Clink! Clank!”––Rattling

This sound can be particularly annoying. It usually indicates a loose, detached, or poorly balanced part. This could be a motor mount that has become unfastened. Or it could be your blower wheel has been poorly aligned and is rattling against another component in the heat pump. Yet another possibility is worn-down compressor bearings. One of our technicians can remedy all of these problems through a quick tune-up or part replacement if necessary.

We at Kimbro Air can restore the peace in your home with a repair now! We’re just a phone call away, located in Hendersonville, TN. In addition to heat pump repair, we offer installations, replacements, and seasonal maintenance.

Kimbro Air proudly provides HVAC service to Hendersonville, Nashville, Bellevue, Bordeaux, Brentwood, Franklin, Gallatin, Goodlettsville, Hermitage, Madison, Mt. Juliet, White House and the surrounding communities. Visit our service area page for more coverage details, call us at 615-527-8576, or request service online today.

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