6 HVAC Myths to Stop Believing Today in Bellevue, TN

People will give you well-meaning advice about your HVAC system when you move into a new house, and you might have listened to some of it. Learn the facts about HVAC systems for yourself. Here are 6 HVAC myths to stop believing today in Bellevue, TN.

Myth 1: The Rule of 25 Always Works

Many people have heard of the “rule of 25” as it applies to a home’s HVAC system. The rule states that to size your HVAC system, multiply the square footage of your home by 25. The result is how many BTUs you will need.

This method does not take into consideration the details about your home that will affect the size unit you need. Some additional things you need to take into consideration include the windows, insulation, and height of the ceilings (to name a few). A professional HVAC technician can help you size properly so that you feel comfortable throughout your house without getting an HVAC system too large for your needs.

Myth 2: Your HVAC Model is the Only Factor in Efficiency

Many people think that the largest consideration regarding HVAC efficiency is the HVAC unit itself, but it works in conjunction with a number of other factors to provide the best results.

Some other factors that affect the efficiency of your HVAC system include:

  • Building materials
  • Efficient windows/doors
  • Thermostat settings
  • Heat generated in home
  • Proper airflow

Myth 3: You Can Place Your Thermostat Anywhere

Some people think that the placement of the thermostat doesn’t matter. They put it in the most convenient place or a place where only they can reach it. However, thermostat placement can play a role in how your system works.

You want your thermostat to experience the most average temperatures in your home without disturbance. This means you want to avoid putting it directly in the sun. You also don’t want to place the thermostat on an exterior wall.

Myth 4: You Can Make Repairs Yourself

You may think of yourself as handy, but that doesn’t mean you have the skill or know-how to tackle problems with your HVAC unit. Leave all repairs to a professional HVAC technician to avoid unintentional damage to yourself or the unit, voiding the warranty, or creating problems that pop up later on.

A professional technician can make a correct diagnosis. They will also have the tools and experience to resolve the issue properly.

Myth 5: A New HVAC Will Automatically Increase My Home’s Value

Some people assume that they need to replace their home’s HVAC system before they sell it to make their home more appealing and even increase the value. However, this only applies in certain situations.

While homebuyers do expect a decent HVAC system, your current setup may be adequate, especially if it’s less than 10 years old. A tune-up may provide better results for you financially since you won’t need to buy a brand-new setup for the new owners to enjoy. Even the highest estimates only project a return of 71% on a new HVAC unit.

Myth 6: You Don’t Need Regular Maintenance on the HVAC System

Do not think that you can skip regular maintenance of your HVAC unit. Maintenance ensures that your unit will run as efficiently as possible and prolong its life. This can save you money compared to the immediate savings you will see by not scheduling maintenance.

Maintenance usually involves cleaning the filter, the condenser, and the evaporator coils. Talk to your HVAC technician about scheduling regular maintenance every year in advance.

Kimbro Air

We at Kimbro Air offer the best HVAC services in the area with equally impressive customer service from our certified HVAC technicians. Call Kimbro Air in Bellevue, TN for HVAC installation, repair, and maintenance today!

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