Demystifying Ductless Mini-Splits in Bellevue, TN

Ductless mini-splits present a deeply attractive home comfort option for those who live in small areas and don’t want the hassle of dealing with bulky ductwork. Nevertheless, quite a few myths and misconceptions prevent people from giving these systems the consideration they deserve. We expose a few untruths about ductless mini-splits to motivate Bellevue, TN residents to give them another look.

Ductless Mini-Splits Are Only Good for Zone-Specific Heating or Cooling

Those who tout the wonders and advantages of ductless mini-splits will often make a big deal of their ability to divide your home into a set special climate control zone, with each having its own heating or cooling regimen. While this is certainly a useful and important feature of these systems, it can produce the misleading impression that this is the only purpose they serve.

Ductless mini-splits can easily heat and cool an entire home. They are not like space heaters, which are only meant to heat a single room. While you can carve your home up into zones with a mini-split, imposing the same regimen on all zones achieves the same goal that a traditional HVAC system with a single setting will achieve.

Ductless Mini-Splits Heat and Cool Rooms Unevenly

Those who believe that mini-splits can only heat or cool specific zones effectively can easily jump to the conclusion that it may be hard for the system to coordinate the settings for the zones, leading to uneven heating or cooling. If uneven heating or cooling does happen, it will be because of problems, such as refrigerant leaks or dirty air filters blocking airflow. Professional maintenance or repair services can prevent or correct problems of this kind.

Ductless Mini-Splits Are Fragile

While we’re on the subject of repairs, another unfortunate fallacy is the idea that, because mini-splits are compact and don’t use any cumbersome ductwork, they must be fragile. This leads many to think that these systems are prone to breaking and just can’t last as long as traditional HVAC systems.

On average, ductless HVAC systems can last for about 20 years before you’ll need to replace them, which is about equal to the shelf life of most other types of HVAC systems. Moreover, mini-splits are not any more difficult to repair than other kinds of HVAC systems. All trained HVAC technicians will have the ability to handle them in their skill sets.

Of course, how long they last depends on your willingness to schedule regular maintenance for the system to keep it in the best shape possible. HVAC professionals say that everyone should arrange to have maintenance on their systems at least once per year.

Ductless Mini-Splits Can Let Your Indoor Air Quality Slip

Traditional HVAC systems have a set of filters sitting in ventilation ducts, and their job is to remove pollutants from the air that the system has absorbed. Without these ducts, some wonder if mini-splits can devote the same attention to keeping the air clean.

Luckily, the answer to this question is an emphatic “yes” because ductless mini-splits have their own filters that clean the air that the system treats. These filters are actually easier to remove and replace than those of other systems.

As with other HVAC systems, you must remember to change these filters about once every three months. If you fail to do so, it will cause the system performance to suffer and will likely push up your utility bills.

Ductless mini-splits not only hold the advantage over ordinary central HVAC systems in areas, such as portability and simplicity of use, but many of their alleged disadvantages against traditional systems are totally mythical. With the foregoing information, we hope you’ll give some thought to putting a ductless mini-split in your Bellevue, TN home. To enjoy this system, give us a call at Kimbro Air, and ask for our ductless mini-split services.

Image provided by iStock

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