3 Causes of a Frozen Heat Pump in Hendersonville, TN

The winter chill in Hendersonville, TN presents enough problems on its own without freezing your heat pump. But if your system does freeze, the seriousness of the situation makes it important to know why this has happened. The following are three possible causes of a frozen heat pump.

1. Low Refrigerant Levels

If refrigerant ever leaks out of your heat pump for any reason, it’s normal to see ice forming on the unit. This happens either because the refrigerant itself gets cold just before the start of a new heating cycle or because, with less refrigerant, your heat pump can’t circulate or transfer as much heat as before, causing components to freeze.

Refrigerant leaks usually happen because of damage to the heat pump’s refrigerant lines. If you hear gurgling noises coming from your system or notice that its performance has markedly declined, you can be more confident that that’s what has happened.

Since refrigerant is quite dangerous, never try to replace it on your own. Always ask our professional technicians to do so while they provide repair or maintenance services.

2. Dirty, Loose or Broken Fan Blades

Heat pump fans move treated air around the system. If their blades break, come loose or get stuck in place thanks to any kind of debris, they won’t be able to perform that function.

Warm air therefore won’t move around the system. In the winter, that means that any condensation that appears inside of the system will likely freeze.

3. Clogged Air Filters

Clogged air filters cause virtually every aspect of your heat pump’s functioning to decline and can also negatively impact your indoor air quality. By hindering airflow, a dirty air filter can cause condensation to gather around the heat pump’s vents. When that freezes in the cold weather, you’ll have ice.

Even though this is a far-reaching problem, it’s thankfully one that’s easy to solve. Just remember to replace your filters at least once every three months.

Don’t let your heat pump freeze and break down from the cold. Call Kimbro Air in Hendersonville, TN and schedule heat pump services.

Image provided by iStock

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